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Home » Resolutions » Resolution in Support of Informed Consent Bill

Resolution in Support of Informed Consent Bill

WHEREAS, the mission of the Independent Neighborhood Democrats (IND) includes “bring[ing] the people of the 52nd Assembly District into active participation in the political process; engag[ing] with neighborhood organizations and groups to foster a greater civic and political voice for our community, translat[ing] civic activity into positive political activity, encourag[ing] enrollment in the Democratic Party, and elect[ing] Democratic candidates responsive to the needs of the community;” and

WHEREAS, the General Membership of IND was moved by the presentation by Chanel Porchia-Albert at its March 2024 Meeting; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Porcia-Albert outlined various ways that maternal health care in Brooklyn is lacking and proposed legislation to help solve such issues; and

WHEREAS, the Informed Consent bill (S320B/A109) would prohibit drug, cannabis, or alcohol testing and screening of pregnant or postpartum individuals and newborns unless the individual consents and it is within the scope of medical care, or the testing or screening is necessary for a medical emergency. Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Independent Neighborhood Democrats call on the New York State Legislature to pass and Governor Hochul to sign the Informed Consent bill.

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