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Home » Resolutions » IND Resolution in Support of the Street Vendor Platform

IND Resolution in Support of the Street Vendor Platform

WHEREAS, the mission of the Independent Neighborhood Democrats (IND) includes “develop[ing] ongoing projects and programs that will involve and enrich the people of the 52nd Assembly District;” “translat[ing]” civic activity into positive political activity;” and “develop[ing] coalitions of neighborhood organizations and groups in order to foster a greater civic and political voice for our community;” and

WHEREAS, street vendors are New York City’s smallest businesses; and

WHEREAS, street vending is an essential part of the fabric of our City’s culture and economy; and

WHEREAS, nearly 20,000 entrepreneurs, primarily immigrants, people of color, military veterans, and women, are employed as street vendors; and

WHEREAS, street vendors; work ensures under-resourced neighborhoods have access to fresh, affordable food and merchandise, that commercial districts have diversity of business, and street vendors serve a quintessential New York experience to tourists and residents alike; and

WHEREAS, as small-business owners and job creators who pay millions of dollars in taxes, street vendors are exactly the type of hard-working entrepreneurs our City should encourage.

WHEREAS, the current way the city regulates street vendors often leaves many in the shadows, harassed, unfairly arrested, and unregulated; and

WHEREAS, Local Law 18 of 2021, has failed to address the challenges that street vendors face; and

WHEREAS, Council Members Sanchez, Farías, De La Rosa, and Krishnan and the Public Advocate, have come together to propose a number of crucial bills that aim to reform the city;s current street vending system, letting vendors provide the services New Yorkers want – in a regulated, predictable, enforceable system – and giving these small businesses a real chance to build wealth in their neighborhoods. Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Independent Neighborhood Democrats call on the city council to pass

  1. Intro 431 (CM Sanchez/CM Farias) which gradually expands access to licenses and permits to all street vendors, and institute a more detailed, permissive governance regime that would bring street vending out of the shadows and into the formalized economy;
  2. Intro 47 (CM Krishnan) which reduces the criminal liability on food and merchandise vending so that our city;s smallest businesses face civil, rather than criminal, summonses for time, place and manner violations;
  3. Intro 408 (PA Williams) which creates a division within the department of small business services to assist street vendors; and
  4. Intro 24 (CM De La Rosa) which amends the siting rule to allow for vending units to be placed within 2 feet from where the sidewalk abuts the curb (from 18 inches), and where an obstruction prevents such placement, vending units to be placed as close as possible to the obstruction.
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