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September 19, 2024 Meeting Summary

Brooklyn Law School; Subotnik Center

Seamus Campbell, president of IND, called the meeting to order.

City Council Member Shahana Hanif shared legislative updates and current events in the 39th CD.

Joseph Jones (Jo D. Jonz), a theatre artist, who is working on a show about James Baldwin, discussed his perspectives on racism and the need to accept diversity.

State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal (on Zoom) talked about his bill regarding the use of audio-visual equipment in the courtroom.

Unfortunately, there was a breakdown in the IT equipment in the room toward the end of Senator Hoylman-Sigal’s presentation, so the recording ends there,

Seamus made several announcements:

  • IND is listed as the sixth most powerful political club in New York in the most recent issue of City and State magazine. Copies of the magazine were available for members to take.
  • IND will have a table at the Atlantic Antic on September 28 and all members are encouraged to spend a few hours helping to man the table.
  • Vote Blue buses are leaving for Philadelphia every weekend until the election and all are welcome to travel to PA to canvas voters there.
  • The County Committee will hold an organizational meeting on September 26 at 10 am at the Brooklyn Marriott.
  • The ERA amendment will be on the ballot in November. IND encouraged State Democratic support for the amendment and now this is happening.
  • There are six propositions to be voted on in November. Proposition 1 concerns protection of abortion rights, LGBTQ+ protection and anti-discrimination.

Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon provided an update on the State legislature, which is preparing for the January session.

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