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October 17, 2024 Meeting Summary

Via Zoom

Seamus Campbell, President of IND, called the meeting to order. He announced that the previous evening, there had been a very successful, well-attended phonebank for Harris/Walz.

Jumaane Williams, NYC Public Advocate was scheduled to speak at this meeting but was unable to attend via Zoom because of Secret Service restrictions at the Al Smith Dinner, which he was attending.

An amendment to the IND Constitution that codifies past practice was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.

Amend Article VII, Section 1 to read:

Article VIII: Endorsement of Candidates and Ballot Issues

Section 1: Consideration of Elections

IND shall endorse candidates for public and political office and adopt positions on ballot issues at meetings of the general membership. IND shall only consider candidates and/or ballot issues that registered Democrats within the 52nd Assembly District shall have the opportunity on which to vote in a primary, special, or general election. IND shall not endorse any candidate who is not running on the Democratic Party line. The general membership may delegate the actual right of endorsement of candidates for county committee posts and delegates and alternate delegates to judicial conventions to a special committee selected for that purpose.

In the case of judicial candidates, only candidates who have been deemed “qualified” or “highly qualified” by the judicial screening panel officially established by the Kings County Democratic County Committee may have their name listed on an IND endorsement ballot. No judicial candidate who has not been deemed “qualified” or “highly qualified” shall be eligible for endorsement by IND. This rule shall be suspended only in judicial races when the Kings County Democratic County Committee has not established such a screening panel for that election cycle.

Vicki Eastus, IND’s treasurer, moved that IND dues be raised to $40 per year. The increase is justified because most people now pay online via Paypal, and there is a charge for this, so IND only receives a little over $30 or the current $35 dues payment. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause NY gave a presentation on Propositions 2-6, which will appear on the November ballot. Common Cause NY has joined with the “No Power Grab” Coalition and taken a position in opposition to all these propositions. After hearing the presentation, the body moved, seconded, and unanimously passed a motion to endorse opposition to these propositions.

Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon reported on recent legislative developments, including the Governor’s signing of her “Glock Law.”

Bryan Gross, representing Councilmember Shahana Hanif gave a brief report.

Seamus announced that he has various Proposition 1 (ERA) promotional materials and that anyone working to advocate for this proposition is welcome to have them for distribution.

 Seamus provided the phone number 1-844-NY-VOTES, which can be called for any type of voter assistance or reporting of voting irregularities on Election Day.

Seamus referred all members to the IND website for dates and times of election events during the next few weeks. The Club is co-hosting an Election Night Party with CBID at 390 Social on Fifth Avenue and Sixth Street.

Raul Rothblatt reported progress on the Stop on the Underground Railroad project in Downtown Brooklyn.

Good and Welfare: Joan Millman announced that IND E-Board Member, Maya Kornberg, had a baby boy last night.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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