January 25, 2025, 7:00 pm
Via Zoom
Seamus Campbell, President of IND, opened the meeting and presented the slate of officers and executive board members, which consisted of:
President: Seamus Campbell
First Vice President: Danielle Zuckerman
Second Vice President: Karen Johnson
Treasurer: Vicki Eastus
Corresponding Secretary: Aileen Doherty
Recording Secretary: Lyn Hill
Board members:
- Joan Millman
- Greg Monte
- Judy Greenwald
- Hal Friedman
- Ira Weinstock
- Larry Gulotta
- Arthur Levy
- Susannah Pasquantonio
- Maya Kornberg
- Cheryl Cook
- Julia Elmaleh-Sachs
- Bridget Farrell
- Sari Kisilevsky
- Joan Millman
- Matthew Fairley
- Steven Brounstein
- Jason Shelly
- Phillipe St. Luce
- Daniel Duran
Judy Greenwald was removed due to ineligibility.
Seamus Campbell accepted a motion to elect the slate by acclimation, which was seconded and passed.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed and the meeting closed.